DESCRIBE.EXE (© Imre Fabian.) Describe.exe is primarily a command-line utility for use from within other applications (like MS-Access, MS Word for Windows etc.) to facilitate updating a 4DOS/NDOS and NDW v.3.x compatible descript.ion file. When no description is supplied in the command-line, DESCRIBE will ask for one. When also no filename is supplied, DESCRIBE will ask (using a common-dialog box) for one. This will also happen when the supplied filename is not a valid one. The main syntax is: DESCRIBE[.EXE] [D:\PATH\][FILENAME.EXT] [DESCRIPTION] D(rive-letter):\PATH(-name)\FILENAME.EXT is the first parameter, all the rest is the DESCRIPTION. A space is needed between the executablename (DESCRIBE[.EXE]) and the first parameter as well as between the first parameter and the second. All other spaces are part of the DESCRIPTION. As normal Stringvariables are used, the total lenght of the description can be almost 64K, but is limited to the maximal lenght of the commandline that Windows can process. As 4DOS and NDOS, as well as NDW v.3.x use limited-length description-strings, depending on the version, a normal length of 40 to 80 characters is recommended. For later versions a length of 256 characters might be possible. Installation is simple: just copy the DESCRIBE.EXE to the directory of your choice, be it ACCESS ir WINWORD or some other, and if you don't have it yet, copy CMDIALOG.VBX to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. (Copy it also if your version is older.) This program is hereby released into the Public Domain. Happy Descriptions! Imre Fabian